B had his toes done this morning and unfortunately he was not a perfect gentlemen he usually is. I think it's official...my soon to be 4-year-old just turned teenager. He was better once we turned him in the direction where he could see the truck, but still not perfect. Even the farrier said B was copping an attitude, Today we're going to do it B's way. Yup, that is B's mantra lately.
Our ride on Friday went pretty well. The first trot transition was interesting though. I put my legs on B and he thought he would try something that worked a couple weeks ago–he ducked his head between his front legs and lifted his croup. Bad pony! Luckily, my reins were short and within a mili-second his ears were in my face. He was certainly surprised...in a good way for me. The rest of the ride was fine. I kept my reins short and kept to my mantra for B- Yes Ma'am!
Today, B learned a valuable lesson: always pee before you start to work. I could tell on the cross ties he had to go, so I put him in his stall. Of course, nothing. He just looked at me like, why am I in here and you're out there? I proceeded to tack him up, longe and ride him. His back end was super tight. I'm sure he would have kept his legs tightly crossed if he could. Being well aware of his discomfort I kept my reins short. ha. We did some shallow loops, leg yields and plenty of canter. Finally when I walked him down the driveway I got off hoping he would finally pee. I let him walk on the grass for a moment (don't tell my trainer...beatings) and he peed. He looked so relieved. After riding him on the gravel he was a touch tender, but he had a lot of hoof taken off this morning so it shouldn't be any reason for concern. I had the vet come out just in case and he prescribed some bute and light or no work for the next few days. I'll make sure to ride him on the soft rubber footing inside up until the clinic.
Remember the gal I asked everyone to keep in their thoughts a couple weeks ago? She's back at the barn and looking great! You wouldn't even know she'd had an accident. Everyone is so excited to have her back, especially me! We were discussing the lesson she may have learned from all this and the best we could come up with was...I guess you need a new helmet. ha ha...We all have to be a little off our rockers but who can resist the allure of pony noses?
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