Thursday, March 12, 2009

Show season is Fast Approaching

Wednesday was lesson day. Enjoying the last day of warm weather for awhile we rode in the outdoor sandbox. B was loose and happy so we were able to quickly get down to work. While further refining our connection we were treated to a full-on distraction test consisting of a golf cart, an excitable mare and a four horse trailer. B kept his cool and focus. By golly gosh I think this 3 year old may be growing up. It was a day of mini-tests as we checked to see where B was in his training. We rode pieces of test patterns and checked his responsiveness in the canter transitions. Other than some drifting in his down transitions B took everything in stride. My trainer laughed as she remarked that everything is perfect here, but when we go into the show ring everything will undoubtedly be brand new and scary. Been there, done that, amazingly willing to go through it again.

The next day, the vet came out for B's annual coggins and his first set of spring shots. He stood perfectly still for the vet. He didn't even flinch. Good munchkin! Since he had his lesson the day before we took it easy and just went for a hand walk in the woods. Memories of the power walkers that passed me during my marathon run  came to mind as I worked to keep up with B's 18+ stride. Soon as we were walking uphill and it all evened out. Muwahahaha!

Tomorrow we'll probably do some practice loading and trailering again after our gym workout. Next Sunday we'll be heading to Morven Park for B's first show. As my trainer says, "Next stop, culture shock." It's all part of growing up.

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